Business owners.

No one knows your business better than you. You’re the expert at providing value to your customers, staying competitive, and seizing every opportunity to grow. But with so much focus on running your business, it’s easy for your personal finances to be overlooked. That’s where we come in. We’ll help you create a financial plan that grows and adapts as your business and personal needs evolve, ensuring nothing gets left behind as you move forward.

While you grow your business, we’ll grow your financial future.

Supporting You at Every Stage.

As a director and business owner myself, I know exactly what it takes to run a business. For many small business owners, personal and business goals are often intertwined. When you need support, I can guide you—from the early days of starting up, through your business growth, and right up to turning all your hard work into personal wealth.

Starting Up:
At the beginning, you need straightforward, personalised advice that focuses on cash management, forward planning, and setting both personal and business goals.

Growing Your Business:
As your business grows, it’s important to minimise risk and maximise cash flow. We’ll help you invest wisely to grow corporate assets, increase business value, and support employee wellbeing.

Maximising Value:
When your business reaches a more mature stage, it’s time to focus on maximising growth and investing capital. This ensures your business will provide the financial security you need to enjoy life to the fullest when the time comes to step away.

Planning Your Exit:
When you’re ready to exit, we’ll help you optimise your business for sale and plan your retirement income. That way, you can fully enjoy the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

How we do it.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

Exit strategies may include referrals to products and services separate and distinct to those offered by SJP.

Our first meeting with you is completely without obligation. We view this as a discovery meeting, where we explore your aspirations and understand how we might assist you in achieving your goals. This meeting typically lasts half an hour to an hour. 

The aim of the meeting is two-fold: 

  • To ensure you have enough information to make an informed decision about whether you would like to engage in our services.
  • To ensure we fully understand your objectives so that we can advise whether or not we are able to help.

To determine if you’re on track to meet your goals and objectives, your Financial Planner will need to gather detailed information about your current financial situation. You may also be asked to sign ‘letters of authority’ (LOA), allowing us to liaise directly with your existing product providers to obtain information that may not be available in your regular correspondence.

Before any chargeable work begins, we will arrange a brief follow-up meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Share the findings from our research into your existing arrangements.
  • If appropriate, conduct a cashflow modelling exercise to demonstrate how well your current arrangements align with your goals and objectives.
  • Highlight potential solutions that could help meet your objectives.
  • Confirm the cost of advice and any associated products or services should you wish to engage with us.

This follow-up meeting ensures that you feel comfortable with the advice being provided, understand the reasoning behind it, and have the opportunity to ask any questions before we proceed with a formal recommendation report.

At this meeting, your Financial Planner will present a detailed Financial Planning Report, outlining the reasons for their recommendations and how your financial plan will be implemented. 

You will also receive illustrations, documentation, and a reconfirmation of the costs associated with both the initial and ongoing advice and services.

Your Financial Planner will take care of all the necessary paperwork to make you a client of ours and establish your financial plans. 

If your plan involves existing arrangements, your Financial Planner will work on your behalf to liaise with third parties, ensuring there are no unnecessary delays in transferring your investments or pension. 

Once your investments and pensions are in place, you will receive investment certificates by post. Going forward you will receive quarterly and annual statements of your investments and pensions. You can also access your Wealth Account via the SJP App.

We take pride in building long-term relationships with our clients. Ongoing advice is essential, as your needs and objectives are likely to evolve over time. The ongoing advice fee you pay grants you access to your Financial Planner throughout the year. If your circumstances change or you wish to discuss anything, you can contact your Financial Planner at no additional cost for ad-hoc meetings. 

We will reach out to you annually to schedule your formal review meeting. It is important that you engage with your Financial Planner to ensure this crucial review is conducted.

Book your free consultation.